• Piping System

Solar/UV Pipes

All thermosetting and thermoplastic materials are susceptible to ultraviolet (UV) degradation upon prolonged exposure to sunlight. Evidence of such degradation could be observed as a colour change. The rate at which degradation may occur varies based on the availability of air, water, oxygen and other oxidizing agents.

The use of blue pigments in VESBO® UV pipes and fittings will improve weathering characteristics by helping to screen out the ultraviolet light. Pigments are incorporated into the resin system to act as a further barrier to UV penetration into the laminate.

Since UV degradation is a surface phenomenon the most efficient means of prolonging the integrity of the reinforcement is to place a resin-rich protective layer on the surface of the pipe. On account of this, VESBO® UV pipes are also over-wrapped with an organic barrier layer to provide even greater UV resistance.

In conjunction with the Solar / UV pipes, fittings are also specially manufactured with UV additives to complete the system as one UV protective system.

VESBO® Solar / UV pipes are subjected to weatherability test under constant UV exposure in the laboratory conditions as well as real conditions under sunlight. However, UV intensity varies in different countries.

The projected life span of VESBO® Solar / UV pipes is about 15 years. It is also suggested that exposed pipes to constant UV radiation to be concealed or painted with black paint or protected by black insulation material to further enhance the life span of the pipe through degradation.

VESBO® Solar / UV pipes comes in Blue coated layer. For aesthetic reasons, the coated layer with UV additives can be of any color but its desired life span may some what be compromised as dark colors like Black has better UV absorption properties.

Designers and installers should note that although VESBO® Solar / UV pipes has a better resistance to UV degradation compared to normal PP-R pipes; depending on weather conditions, the degradation of the material under sunlight cannot be avoided completely.
