Spira pipe is a u-pvc piping technology which can be produced on site and used for non-pressure, gravitational substructure applications.
150 | 300 | 450 | 600 | 750 | 900 | 1200 | 1800 | 2400 |
175 | 325 | 475 | 625 | 775 | 925 | 1300 | 1900 | 2500 |
200 | 350 | 500 | 650 | 800 | 950 | 1400 | 2000 | 2600 |
225 | 375 | 525 | 675 | 825 | 975 | 1500 | 2100 | |
250 | 400 | 550 | 700 | 850 | 1000 | 1600 | 2200 | |
275 | 425 | 575 | 725 | 875 | 1100 | 1700 | 2300 |
Patented Winding Technology of U-PVC Spira Pipe

U-PVC Spira Pipes are obtained by forming pipes with the patented winding technology of specially formulated U-PVC strips between 10-20 cm that are produced from extrusion process in required diameter and strength. These strips are rolled to drums and delivered to the site for production.

The volume needed to transfer U-PVC Spira pipes are 10 times less than other alternative piping systems and it is more economic to transfer and stock Spira pipes since they are carried on drums as profiles.

By the help of patented winding machines, U-PVC Spira Pipes are produced on site from profiles by Novaplast Co. operatiors.

Thanks to the patented production technology which allows U-PVC Spira pipes to be produced manhole to manhole on production site. As a result, 100% leakage proof pipes are produced, no joint is needed, and extra time is saved.
Advantages of Use
On-Site Production
U-PVC Spira Pipe is the only piping system that allows on site production. Due to the application, Spira pipe also allows the pipe to be produced in desired lengths, rapid laying and zero loss.
Advantages of Tranportation
U-PVC Spira Pipes are stored as profiles on drums and pipes are formed out of these profiles when necessary. Therefore, less storage area is required for the material.
Advantages of Storage
U-PVC Spira Pipes are stored as profiles on drums and pipes are formed out of these profiles when necessary. Therefore, less storage area is required for the material.
Availability of Various Dimensions
U-PVC Spira pipes are produced between dia 150 mm up to 2600 mm in each 25 mm step. Hence, the most economic diameter is available when required.
U-PVC Spira pipes have rapid and easy installation, as they can be produced in required lengths without joints on site.
Hydrolic Performance
U-PVC Spira pipes allow touse smaller diameters than other rigid pipes to flow the same flow rate, since its manning roughness co-efficient (0,008) is lower than concrete pipes.(0.014) (FOR EXAMPLE Ø1000 MM CONCRETE PIPE = Ø800 MM SPIRA PIPE)
Mechanical Properties
Impact strength and resistance of U-PVC Spira Pipe is very high due to its elasticity modulus. (690 MPa in the long term)
Due to its smooth inner surface, U-PVC Spira Pipe has higher resistance than its alternatives in terms of transporting liquid and abrasion effect of material in liquid wastes.